Page 230 - Diretrizes do Programa Marista Bilíngue - 4ª Edição
P. 230


                                              Strategy: Accessible Literacy—Reading   Example:
                Strategy: Phonological Awareness Skills   Example: click image to link to the website
                                                             Book for Emergent Readers
                                                           I see...How Many? Color? What? Phone
                                              Audience: Kindergarten to Grade 12   Adapted Book
                Audience: Kindergarten to Grade 4

                •  Targeting phonological awareness skills   •  Adapted literacy materials for   Inclusive Practices to Consider:
                is an essential part of pre-literacy   •  Interactive materials for increased
                development                    student engagement   •  Consider students vision when
                •  Phonological awareness skills help all   •  Online tools for promoting early literacy   selecting font size
                children learn to read         development   •  For non-readers/emergent readers,
                                                            repetitive text is best
                                                           •  Students with augmentative and
                                                            alternative communication (AAC)
                                                            devices can learn to read using their
                How:                                         •  device for output
                                                            This strategy supports emergent
                •  Support the following areas of   How:    readers, students with autism spectrum
                phonological awareness development:      •  Supporting student literacy by using   disorder (ASD), students with
                –  rhyme                       visual supports and simplified text   intellectual disabilities, students who
                –  segmentation   Inclusive Practices to Consider:   are non-verbal/minimally verbal, etc.
                –  isolation
                –  deletion   • •  Use visual supports where possible
                              Use choices for students who may not
                –  substitution
                –  blending   be able to verbalize an answer
                •  This can be done through various      Materials:
                online platforms or sharing of hands-on
                activities with families   Reference and Links:   •  Boom Learning: search for   Reference and Links:
                             Phonological Awareness: A Guidebook for   •  interactive/adapted books
                                               Adapt4SpecialEd: digital and print
                             Parents                       Literacy for All Instruction
                       based books for emergent readers on a
                                               variety of topics
                             2020_21/Kung_dld2.pdf         tion/
                Materials:                    • •  Epic Books: text to speech
                                               Tar Heel Reader: high interest/low level
                •  Online platforms: Seesaw, Boom   Phonological Awareness: An Instructional   readers, book creator, text to speech   Comprehensive Literacy for ALL Students
                             and Practical Guide for Use in the
                Learning     Kindergarten Classroom   (shared online resource where any   -literacy-instruction-meeting-the-
                •  Florida Centre for Reading Research  individual can upload created books.   instructional-needs-of-all-students-in-our-
                printable activities   018_19/Woldmo_PAGuideKindergarten.pdf   Can search by topic of interest.   classrooms/
                •  Linked phonological awareness   Teacher/parent should vet books prior
                guidebooks with your online platform   Florida Centre for Reading Research   to use)

          Convidamos também o docente a explorar o sítio que contém abas para o de-
          senvolvimento profissional e plataformas de interesse para estudantes, que
          incluem o MS Teams.
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